Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Honorary Director

Dr C Vinodan

Honorary Director
Institute for Contemporary Chinese Studies

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C. Vinodan is currently Professor & Director, School of International Relations and Politics & Joint Director, University Centre for International Cooperation (UCIC), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India. He also serves as the Honorary Director of the Institute for Contemporary Chinese Studies (ICCS), Mahatma Gandhi University. He is currently a member of the US –India Higher Education Collaboration and Internationalization project (2022-23) initiated by MIAMI University, USA. As part of the project he attended the NAFSA: Association of International Educators Conference in Denver, Colarado, USA during May 30 to June 4 2022. He served as Visiting Professor, Jinan University, China during November- December 2019.  He was awarded the Visiting Scholar Fellowship (2003) by the Claremont Graduate University, California, USA and successfully completed a collaborative research project. He has attended numerous courses and lectured extensively at Universities and conferences within India and abroad. These include the 2019 ISA Asia-Pacific conference at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore;  2017 ISA International Conference at University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; 2016 Sino-Indian Cross Cultural Dialogues held by the Institute of Advanced International Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China; the US Department of States Fulbright American Studies Institute (FASI) course on Foreign Policy at the University of Delaware, Philadelphia in 2000; Regional Center for Strategic Studies (Colombo) Summer Workshop on Defense, technology and Cooperative security in South Asia “ at Katmandu, Nepal in 2000 etc. His areas of teaching and research include: IR theory, Security studies, India’s foreign policy, China studies, South Asia, Indo- Pacific studies; US foreign policy and Indo- US relations, Internationalization of Higher Education; climate change and energy security, Public health and pandemics, local governance and public policy in India etc… He is currently member of the editorial board of the Journal of Human Security (Canada); editor of the Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations and General editor of the South Asian Journal of Diplomacy. He served as UGC expert Committee member as subject expert, member of the board of studies in Political Science of Kerala, Kannur, Calicut and Mahatma Gandhi University. Currently he is serving as Chairman of the Board of studies in Politics and International Relations, Chairman of the expert committee of Public Administration and Policy studies and member of the academic council, Mahatma Gandhi University. C.Vinodan is the author/editor of 18 books, over 70 journal articles and book chapters. He also produced 12 PhDs and successfully completed five major research projects sponsored by the UGC, ICSSR, IMPRESS, KSHEC and SIRD. His major works were published with Sage, Rutledge, Springer, Nova (USA), Palgrave, New Century publishers, Gyan publishers etc..His recent publications include: US- China Relations in the Twenty First Century (2022), Rutledge, London. Articles were published in Economic and Political Weekly, India Quarterly, India Review, Indian Journal of Political Science, Journal of International Studies, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Economic and Social Studies, Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations, International Journal of South Asian Studies etc.. He also organized 8 international conference/ workshops and several national seminars/webinars with the support of national and international agencies.